Art Today Gone Tomorrow

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Austin, TX, lands on many lists, including top cities attracting millennial creative types like musicians and artists. The city’s population of millennials provides insight into the artistic and expressive values of a generation. Considered as the new boomers, millennials are influencing new trends that are just beginning to generate ripples. This puts the Texas capital in the running for yet another list: cultural bellwether cities.

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A Great University Makes a Great City

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This week, The University of Texas at Austin celebrates its 131st spring commencement conferring 5,832 bachelor’s degrees, 1,900 master’s degrees, and 954 doctoral degrees. It’s an impressive bumper crop of graduates, but the number of this round of graduates only slightly conveys the importance the state’s flagship university has on our capital city and Austin’s value to the Forty Acres.

Once only the UT Tower and the State Capitol were considered Austin's skyscrapers.

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Behind the Safety Veil of Volvo

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Volvo is a brand we refer to regularly when we help clients develop their respective brand position. The automobile manufacturer continues to command the front seat in people’s mind when it comes to safety. Safety is the promise of the Volvo brand. However, today safety does not shackle the brand to the attributes of square, stodgy, or boring.

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GM: A General Mess

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General Motors was the keynote jokester during April Fool’s week, 2014. You could practically hear the laughter from Wall Street, Main Street, and the halls of Congress, as the automobile manufacturer teetered over multiple stumbling blocks, leaving it bloodied and less valued by investors, automobile owners, and policy makers.

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Cultural Christianity

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Three weeks into its run at the box office, the movie Noah continues to satiate America’s curiosity about the Great Flood of Genesis and the co-existing complexities of creation, judgment, and God’s mercy. Despite its deliberate historical misrepresentation, the movie’s storyline stirs up an innate curiosity to investigate the Biblical version for comparison.

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